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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 线蛛科 »

学名:Raveniola lamia
TL 10.73. Carapace 4.90 long, 3.93 wide; opisthosoma 6.01 long, 3.73 wide, body as shown in Figs. 2C–D. Cephalon not obviously raised; eyes reduced, without tubercle, AER present and composed by four white eyespots (ES); measurements: AER 0.74 wide, ALE (ES) 0.15, AME (ES) 0.05; fovea straight, 1.12 wide. Chelicerae 2.10 long, each cheliceral furrow with 10 promarginal teeth and 5–6 mesobasal denticles. Maxillae 1.89 long and 1.09 wide, each with 4–5 cuspules beside a ridge. Labium 0.55 long, 0.94 wide; sternum 2.50 long and 2.21 wide, with three pairs of suborbicular sigilla (measurements of sigilla: upper: median: lower = 0.12: 0.14: 0.20). palp and legs measurements: palp 8.69 (2.97, 1.70, 2.22, 1.80), leg I 13.71 (3.93, 1.85, 3.39, 2.50, 2.04), leg II 12.48 (3.70, 1.98, 2.95, 2.25, 1.60), leg III 12.42 (3.11, 1.42, 2.74, 3.10, 2.05), leg IV 17.47 (4.38, 2.00, 4.07, 4.60, 2.42). Scopulae present on palpal tarsi, tarsi and distal half of metatarsi I–II, widely divided, elsewhere absent. Spination: Palp: tibia v2–2–4; tarsus v5 (4). Leg I: tibia v1–1–2; metatarsus v2–2–2. Leg II: tibia p1–1, v1–1–3; metatarsus p1, v2–2–2 (2–2–2–2). Leg III: tibia p1–1, d1, r1–1, v2–2–2 (2–2–3); metatarsus pd1, r1, rd1, p1–1, v2–2–3. Leg IV: tibia p1–1, v2–2–3, pd1, r1–1; metatarsus pd1–1–1–1–1, rd1–1–1–1, v2–2–2–3. Paired tarsal claws: claws of legs I–II with 9–12 teeth on both outer and inner margins; teeth reduced in number and length on claws of legs III–IV, claws of legs III with around 8 teeth each margin, of legs IV with around 6 teeth each margin. Palpal claw with 3–5 small teeth each margin. PLS 1.49 long, PMS absent. Vulva. Spermathecae narrow and elongated, with sparse pores; distal part slightly outer–curved; without stalked lateral receptacles (Figs. 2A–B)